Double Options for Double Chins
People often complain about the dreaded double chin. Until recently patients have had very few options for treatment of this condition. For many, fullness under the chin is simply the result of genetics or aging. And for those who have developed a double chin due to weight gain, they may find it frustrating that even with weight loss their double chin will persist.
Fortunately there are new treatments designed to reduce or eliminate submental fat (the fat below the chin). Targeting this area for treatment can help patients rediscover or redefine the shape of their chin and jaw. Currently there are two primary treatment options, both of which are available through my cosmetic practice.
Belkyra is a new non-invasive injectable treatment. Our office was one of the first Canadian clinics to offer Belkyra to patients. We were involved in the clinical trials and helped bring Belkyra to market.
The Belkyra injection targets the cell membrane of the fat cells that cause the double chin. The fat cell are disrupted and the contents diffuse into the surrounding subcutaneous space. The body then naturally removes these free fatty acids safely. Belkyra is generally effective after two to four treatments with relatively easy recovery.
A new specialized applicator from the makers of CoolSculpting, the CoolMini is designed specifically for the treatment of small areas, including submental fat. CoolMini is an an effective and non-invasive way to target fullness under the chin. It can also be used on other areas such as the ‘bra bulge’ and localized fat around the knees. As with CoolSculpting for other areas, the procedure freezes and ultimately kills fat cells in the targeted area. Over the following weeks and months, your body disposes of the dead cells and the result is a visible reduction in fat in the treated area.
If you are interested in learning more about treatment options please contact the office to book a consultation.