March 4, 2020

What to Expect at a Cosmetic Consultation

If you are preparing for your first cosmetic consultation here is what to expect

I often get questions from prospective patients about treating their skin and when I suggest they book a cosmetic consultation they want to know what to expect. During an initial consultation it is important for me to find out about the patients’ concerns and wishes. Some patients want to address concerns about looking tired or sad, for others it’s dealing with frown lines or sagging skin. I explore these concerns and review different treatment options to help each patient achieve their goals.

I often start by discussing skin care and long term strategies which may include ways to help prevent and treat photodamage, such as brown spots and fine lines. Depending on the patient though the concern could be redness or acne prone skin. A skin care discussion is very much tailored to each patient’s skin type.  Lasers that help with discolouration, pore size, and texture may be a useful adjunct for complexion as well. I then move on from the skin to talk about the underlying muscle, bone and fat support and this is where botox, fillers, or deeper skin tightening devices play a role in an overall treatment plan.

While the face is often the focus, I also take time to review other areas such as the neck and chest since focusing on prevention in these areas is critical as well.  Sometimes people treat their face, but forget their neck, chest and hands and these areas can really show someone’s age. Some patients have specific body sculpting concerns and may want to reduce fat or tighten skin in other areas of their body like their abdomen or arms for example. 




 I see patients across all age groups and often we need to prioritize what areas we want to focus on initially and things we may want to plan for down the road. I like to think of everything globally as well and project out where people might start to age in 10-20 years, so we can plan for treatment and think about prevention strategies as well. 

The needs for each patient are unique and as such the treatments are customized. So for example, someone may come in looking for treatments for under eye hollows that they have had since they were young. They want to address this as more of a longstanding anatomic concern. Another patient may come in with the start of a jowl and say that they see it in their mom or dad and want to work on strategies to treat and prevent this. A different but common concern would be someone with sun spots and lots of textural skin changes from too many years of sunbathing. After consultation and reviewing the options we can make an individualized treatment plan for you.  

If you are interested in booking a cosmetic consultation contact our team.

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