Does Facial Symmetry Equate to True Beauty?
Which image below is your favorite - left, center or right?

I first saw this David Beckham image at a conference a few years ago and have seen further discussion online recently on the interesting topic of symmetry and our aesthetic goals!
It has often been asserted that symmetrical faces are considered more attractive and that there is a biological reason that people exhibit this preference. So is it true or just another beauty myth? While there have been studies showing that a preference for symmetry exists* what happens when we see true (mirror image) symmetry as in the photos above? The truth is that faces are not perfectly symmetrical and when we artificially create that symmetrical appearance it may be less desirable.
In the pictures above, the center and right images are mirror-images of his right and left sides respectively. The perfectly symmetrical faces have distorted his appearance. Even when changes are subtle they can be more disconcerting and not perceived as normal. The fact that our facial structure and volume varies from the left side to the right side of our face is normal and may actually enhance appearance.
So while it may be true that people are drawn to a certain amount of symmetry (versus a high degree of asymmetry), it also seems that perfect facial symmetry does not necessarily equate to beauty. I know that my face has a number of non-symmetrical features, and while it is possible to use cosmetic treatments to try and even out certain aspects of your appearance, it is important to appreciate the facial features that make you uniquely YOU! ️
Clearly the ideal of symmetry should not simply be taken at face value (pun intended) and as an aesthetic doctor it is important to help patients understand that perfect symmetry should not necessarily be the goal. When I posted this on Instagram I got quite a lot of feedback and while most people favored the original photo on the left, some people did like the middle and right. So maybe the ultimate lesson here is that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder!