October 10, 2020

Use of Liquid Nitrogen in Dermatology

How is liquid nitrogen used to treat the skin?

Many of you will see liquid nitrogen being used around the office. We use liquid nitrogen to remove benign (non-cancerous) skin growths like skin tags or seborrheic keratoses (swipe to see a video of an SK being treated) as well as treat warts, pre-cancerous actinic keratoses and more!

Liquid nitrogen is extremely cold (about -196 C) 🥶. Treatment with liquid nitrogen is also known as cryotherapy or cryosurgery.

Once liquid nitrogen is applied to the skin you will feel stinging or burning for a few minutes.
After it’s applied:

💠 Your skin may be pink, swollen and tender for a few days after treatment.
💠 A blister may form where liquid nitrogen contacts your skin.
💠 A scab or crust may form. It usually falls off within 2 to 4 weeks.
💠 The area treated may become discoloured (lighter or darker in colour).

Here are a couple tips for taking care of your skin that has been treated with liquid nitrogen:

💠 Wash the treated area gently with fragrance-free soap and water. Don’t scrub.
💠 Apply White Petrolatum ie. Vaseline® or Aquaphor® on the treated area every day for 1-2 weeks. This will help the area heal and minimize formation of a dry crust.

In general liquid nitrogen is extremely safe and effective! It can also be used for a little entertainment for any kids in the office. (You can see the liquid nitrogen “train” video on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CF-XzTmDt0X/ ) 😊


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