Using Filler for Hand Rejuvenation
Many people think of filler just for the face but did you know it can be used to rejuvenate the hands? The hands are often said to reveal our true age (a claim supported by a 2006 study done by American Society of Plastic Surgeons). If you are dealing with hands that exhibit signs of aging, injectable filler is a treatment you can consider to help add volume that can minimize the appearance of volume loss and loose skin. To help with brown spots, another common sign of aging in the hands, a laser treatment may be recommended.

Of course it’s always best to try and prevent rather than treat. Most of the aging of our skin is due to UV exposure and the hands are often overlooked when it comes to sun protection so be sure to protect them with sunscreen or gloves when out in the sun (or getting gel or shellac manicures). I also encourage my patients to consider applying skincare such as topical vitamin c and retinol to the backs of the hands as well for “anti aging” benefits.